The Internal Revenue Service sought to disallow the payments 国内收入署试图驳回这些缴纳款。
The service is developed using a technology familiar to the developer with a concentration on the business logic: in this case, how to create audit trails for payments. 服务使用开发人员熟悉的技术开发,开发时重点考虑业务逻辑:在本例中,即如何创建支付的审核跟踪。
The vendor in turn has agreements with other vendors to provide each service and share in part of the eventual payments. 该厂商依次与其他厂商签署协议,提供每一种服务并且分享最终付款的一部分。
There will be sub-functionalities which include account opening, account viewing, service requests for check book or ATM duplicate PIN, bill payments, funds transfer, and credit card services. 这个门户可能包含以下子功能:账户开立、账户查看、支票簿和ATM复制PIN的服务请求、账单支付、资金转账和信用卡服务等。
Let's focus on the Payment Collector service, which is responsible for billing and for collecting payments after the medical service is provided. 我们来关注以下付款收集(PaymentCollector)服务,它负责在医疗服务被提供之后开列账单以及收集付款。
EBay Inc, for example, owns online payment service PayPal that helps small vendors accept credit card payments. 比如,易趣拥有在线支付服务贝宝(PayPal),这项服务使得小商户可以接受信用卡支付。
Reduced debt service payments enable companies to continue operations and hire workers. 如此一来,公司的偿债金额得到降低,使它们能够继续经营并雇佣工人。
They have extended well beyond the original SMS replacement service to include entertainment, gaming, and now payments. 它们的发展已经远远超越最初的短信服务,现已包含娱乐、游戏甚至是支付等诸多功能。
That explains why the coffee shop chain is investing in Square, the company led by Jack Dorsey ( the co-founder of Twitter) that aims to become the default wallet service for mobile payments. 这解释了为何这间咖啡连锁店要投资Square公司&由Twitter联合创始人杰克多尔西(JackDorsey)领导,志在成为手机支付默认钱包服务的供应商。
The state may restrict international trade in services in order to safeguard the national security or public interest, to protect the ecological environment, to establish or accelerate the establishment of a particular domestic service industry, to maintain the state's balance of international payments. 国家为维护国家安全或者社会公共利益,为保护生态环境,为建立或者加快建立国内特定的服务行业,为保障国家外汇收支平衡,可以限制国际服务贸易。
That's because it can control of some of the key elements such as handsets, the operating system and an online payment service needed to deliver mobile payments. 这是因为苹果掌控着支持移动支付的一些关键要素,如手机、操作系统,以及在线支付服务。
The service is popular because people do not have to travel long distances to make payments or receive money. 这个服务之所以广受欢迎,是因为人们用不着到很远的地方去付款或收款。
The Payment-by-Phone service was also well received and about 13.9 per cent of the total payments received used this service at the end of 1998. 电话缴费聆服务也备受欢迎,年底时,在该署收到的水费中,约有13.9%是透过缴费聆缴付。
PANALPINA, one of the world's leading suppliers of forwarding and logistic services, announced that it has suspended service offering in Nigeria due to potentially improper payments. 全球领先的货运及物流服务供应商之一泛亚班拿集团宣称因存在潜在不适当报酬问题而将暂停尼日利亚航线。
Because of their ability to effect international transfers, clearing banks make money from overseas countries by providing a service, and in this way directly improve the balance of payments position of country. 清算银行由于有国际汇划能力,可以通过提供服务的方法,从海外国家赚取资金,以改善一国收支状况。
Refinancing of debt service payments product-pay-back scheme 为偿付债务开支再筹划资金以生产产品偿还的计划
It is not a complete service for payments process but "more of a tool to build something to handle similar needs, albeit in a specific situation." 它并不是一个用于支付过程的完整服务,而“更象一种工具,用于搭建一些东西来解决类似的需要,尽管是在一种特殊的情况下。”
Capital service ratio Contractual service payments on long-term debt plus remitted profits on direct investment divided by exports of goods and services. 资本还本付息比率即长期债务合同规定的还本付息支付额,加上外国直接投资的汇出利润,除以货物和劳务出口额。
In service contracts, milestone payments related to performance targets or service provided is the norm. 至于服务合约,一贯的做法是根据服务表现目标或获提供的服务分阶段付款。
Service payments as percentage of exports of goods and services Acting sale of securities; Acting servicing. Agents Registration accounts. 还本付息额占货物和劳务出口额的百分比证券代理买卖;代理还本付息。代理登记开户。
The paper makes a deep analysis and thorough research on how to improve the non-resident individuals foreign exchange supervision and service, therefore to maintain the balance of payments and vindicate the safety and stability of economy and finance in China. 本文对新形势下如何提高非居民个人外汇监管水平和服务效率,保持国际收支平衡,维护国家经济金融的安全稳定,进行了深入分析及研究。
The analysis of the trade payments in service and goods indicates that, the total trade payments in service and goods are complementary but the balance of payment in service is substitute for that in goods. 对相关主要国家货物贸易和服务贸易的数据分析表明,服务贸易和货物贸易总量上呈现出互补性特征,但是在各自差额上却呈现明显的替代性。
This customer-centric platform was built on the basis of the mobile operators 'communication network, took WAP as the wireless communication access technology, used bank cards for payments and completed the payment process via Web Service. 该平台以运营商的移动网络为依托,以客户为中心,以银行卡为支付载体,使用WAP技术作为无线通信接入手段,通过WEBService完成支付过程。
Non-financial institution payment service is a new payment method, which emerges within the development of information technology. It brings the alternative payment products, which are portable and efficient, to the payments market, but it also brings new legal challenges. 非金融机构支付服务是伴随着信息技术的发展而出现的一种新兴的支付方式,它在给支付市场带来便携化、效率化的支付替代产品的同时,也带来了新的法律难题。